Am I punched? Or am I bored? Or am I just countersunk? Sometimes I don’t know which way I’m going. Welcome to another run through the rose bushes of May & June where it’s a beautiful experience, but hard to come out without scratches.
Throughout my adult life, especially when kids arrived, the two months leading up to summer have been a gong show. This past year has seen an explosion in the photography and video side of the business to the point of saturation as it relates to my time. And that’s a GOOD THING.
Two aspects have made a difference this year which has excited us. The first one has been the variety of clients and projects which have come my way. It has ranged from shooting little kids for soccer, bigger kids at graduation ceremonies, through to political candidates. Houses have covered the same spectrum: from super quaint 800 sqft century homes with so much character, to epic houses with jaw dropping designs and where a photographer can get lost if he isn’t keeping notes of where he’s been.
The people I have been working with the past couple of months have been incredible. There has been a shift in the business mindset of Chinook Arch Photo to work with clients who have the same mojo. It extends beyond the photo session. It extends beyond the business relationship. By working with people who “get” what Scott and Chinook Arch Photo are about, it ceases to be boring. It no longer is a chore. There is a connection between the client and the provider that makes it fun, productive, and at the end of it all, a great value for the client. We are all running businesses and money is important. There are a great deal of photographers and videographers out there who do good work as well. It’s the vision and personality of me and the company which gives us an edge. One might say it’s the “good looks” of my end product and “brains” of the services provided.
So it turns out I’m not punched, bored, or countersunk. I’m loving those who have crossed my path this past couple of months. I have fallen in love with photographing my varied subjects. I’m loving the experiences both of these have given me and the path forward with them feeling exceptional.
While I’m feeling scraped up, bruised, and a little bloody with all the past couple of months have thrown at me, I can’t help but stop and smell the wonderful roses of those I have worked with and photographed.